My Passion

What this truly is for me is a passion, writing has been my life ever since I first put a crayon/colored pencil/regular pencil and/or pen to paper. I am doing this blog for myself as a reflection, for you too though…as we are all connected. I would love for what I write to reach millions, I would love to leave this as a legacy so that it reaches millions beyond my time. My last imprint on this Earth. All I know for sure is: this has to get out! In no way will I sit back and let my ideas and inspirations be locked in my head to the day I die, we are here temporarily and I want to be sure to release this before it’s too late.

When I was six and I was asked the typical, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” I chose two things: a writer or a teacher. Boy did I know myself better than I even know myself now. Although, this is indeed still my dream, my dream is for my writings to reach the masses and for the masses to learn from my writings. I would love to teach people how to wake up. I just don’t necessarily long to be a nun. So this is my own little nunnery: informing others on how to awaken to life or teaching them about what has worked for me to awaken.

I am ever blessed to have been introduced to yoga and meditation. Back in 2008, an old roomy of mine always spoke so highly about yoga. I would be sitting on the couch, chowing down on one food or another while watching “The Simpsons” as he would be making a dash to the door all dressed up in workout gear with his yoga mat rolled up in hand. I had heard of yoga, as that was all the craze in the mid-00’s, I just never had too much interest in it. After seeing my roomy get so excited in his pre- and post-yoga practices, I couldn’t help but to gain a curious interest.

After suiting up and joining him for a yoga practice one evening, I was hooked. It felt so good to stretch the body and to notice the breath–I had never really realized how important the breath is, I know it helps to keep us beings alive and all, but to stay tuned into it–that is where the magic happens. Yoga brought me back to a place within myself that I had forgotten.

A couple years later, my sister introduced me to meditation. She shared with me how it has helped her and I signed up for a Community Ed class that had Meditation as an introductory course. I started to notice the absolute relaxation and calmness it gave me in the moment, but also for days afterwards. At first I was just going to a class every couple of weeks until I realized it is like working a physical muscle, to gain anything you have to do it on a regular basis, daily in my case.

So this is about where I am, about three years into bringing daily meditation into my life. I set my alarm clock a half an hour early to be sure to get at least one morning meditation in. It has been amazing, life still has it’s ups and downs, but I’m able to deal with them in a calmer way. This blog started as a journal about what I was noticing in the beginning of starting my daily meditation practice and has taken a winding road towards sharing deep parts of my soul that I didn’t think I’d ever want to share. I have past addictions and darkness that ultimately led me to the lightness of my being. Thank you for taking your time to read about my journey!


122 comments on “My Passion

  1. I love that you referred to this blog as your “own personal nunnery.”

    Also, I hope that this is not your last imprint, but rather the first of many . . .


  2. Good for you. I’m sure what you write will reach millions. Stick with it. And I used to love the Simpsons. Thanks for mentioning it. Keep meditating and reaching within. That’s what happened to me and now I am telepathic and healing people. Go Figure. Blessings and love to you 🙂


    • Thanks so much Andy for stopping by and for the comment,it is really appreciated and a comfort. I absolutely love this community of like-minded people, we are all on the same path and it’s so great to have the support. That is inspring, what has happened for you through following your path within. Much love and light to you! Thanks again for stopping by :).


  3. As a follower of “A Way With Words”, you are invited to a domain warming party as I move to a new blog address. Click on this link –

    You’ll think you are in a parallel universe.

    While you are there, be sure to click the “Follow” button. Within the next week, I plan to publish exclusively from this site. Don’t miss out on any of the fun!


  4. I like your message, it is encouraging and uplifting. Keep up the good work. Keep shinning your the light. In these times of darkness the masses need a beacon to follow. A dream of hope and light at the end of the tunnel. Keep on keeping on;)


  5. Thank you for sharing your gift of writing. I am blessed that you stopped by my blog and as a result, I was led to yours. Your thoughts are an inspiration to us all. Blessings and Namasté, Lydia


    • Thank YOU for writing…I enjoy your blog. 🙂 Meditating has become just part of the morning routine…it was difficult at first, but it is now like bathing or brushing my teeth, I’d feel like I forgot to do something if I left in the morning without doing it haha…


  6. Good to meet a fellow meditator and like yourself meditation is such an important part of my daily spiritual practise. I hope that you’re getting your message out there, its so inspiring to see someone living their passion. Thanks for following my blog & I look forward to reading more as you journey on. Many blessings.


    • Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting, that means a lot to me. I hope that my message is received, my intentions are to touch others’ lives in the most positive and healing way that I can. I look forward to reading about your journey as well! Blessings to you :).


  7. I feel meditation is the cure to a disease I have, but like a stubborn kid, I refuse to take my medicine as needed. I feel so much better when I meditate regularly, but I always stop. I guess it’s time to start again.


    • I know exactly what you mean! I truly feel meditation has healed my mind and soul in so many ways and it is a constant journey of healing because every day of living we can get hit by more symptoms of a disease, so to speak….it is meditation that brings me back to remembering who I really am….. 🙂 Good luck in your practice, I’d be happy to help if you have any questions or just want to talk about the practice of meditation. It truly is an art form…


  8. Good on you ilonca84 and thanks for not only liking my own blog but giving a follow as well. Majorly good of you and ‘Welcome aboard’. If you have any requests or suggestions just let me know. I love the quotes and images here on your blog and personally love so many quotes of the Dalai Llama. Namaste, MM 🍀


  9. Hello Ilonca… IAM finally catching up on my visits… thanks for coming to find me… IAM sure we are going to be good friends and enjoy each others journey…. Have you been following my january challenge… where you can read each day a different awakening experience from fellow friends here on wordpress… you might enjoy it and meet new people…. take care Barbara…. p.s. you have an inspiring blog…


  10. Thanks for sharing your passion with us, dear ilonca84.

    In addition, you made me curious about this (apparently) other passion of yours. “I would love to teach people how to wake up.”

    Are you living it right now, and how so?

    I would definitely love to hear from you. Thanks!

    new desert


    • Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment, I truly appreciate that!

      It is a bit of a broad statement…the wanting to teach people how to wake up. I am realizing that no matter how many teachers or guides we have, it’s all up to each individual one of us to awaken to the richness and vastness of life.

      I definitely feel as if I am living it right now, that is the simplest part of living awakened…. is that you can only be awake right NOW. It is a constant practice, as I catch my self falling asleep here or there again, but the door has opened and life will never be the same as it was before. I feel as if it’s stages (we were babies at one point, then toddlers, then children, then teenagers, then adults) progressing just as the caterpillar turning into a butterfly.

      I am realizing that we are never stuck, because things are constantly changing…in fact, the only thing that is truly solid in this life is change and once you accept it and don’t push it away, a clearing takes place. At least that’s how it has been for me

      Since my “awakening” the things that I used to pass by day-to-day look amazing to me now: the light streaming into my studio window in the morning causing shadows of my furniture on the wall, the crows soaring by me on my to work in the morning, the hum of my fridge, dust atop my coffee maker and dresser. And then, the more I notice these tiny details of life that I used to sleep-walk by, the more beauty seems to pop up. Every little thing just amazes me in these awakened states.

      I find that when I am not being present in the moment, I am asleep again, but now that I am able to catch myself (and for me it is always coming back to the awareness of my breath….which is how I am able to even BE here now) I keep on coming back to the awakened states more and more.

      I could go on and on and love talking about this stuff in person with people, but I hope that answers your question a bit. I hope you are having an awesome day and thanks again for stopping by to comment! I can’t wait to follow your blog 🙂


  11. I love meditating, finding time in the middle of the night while the pups do their thing and the stars shine and keep me company. Thank you for following my blog. Still a newbie but loving it!!!! Looking forward to reading more of your work.


  12. Thanks for visiting my blog. Perusing yours I find much sweetness and light dancing off the surface of troubled waters. Believe me, I like you better for that. Too much spiritual talk makes me uneasy when it doesn’t appear to be attached to our mortal condition, inflating like a helium balloon which begins to drift over the landscape with no one in the basket to steer and guide it. Fools run after the big and bright, happy-colored balloon, believing it will lead them to some Promised Land, and they trip and fall into the ditch. Spirituality which turns manic in intensity draws ever closer to spectacular catastrophe. It goes down in flames. I suppose there are healthy forms of spirituality and destructive ones, and the healthy ones begin with being centered and grounded. I relate to your struggles with addiction. I myself am a bone fide high-strung obsessive, and one of my better outlets has been working on art, a form of meditation in its own right. I still harm myself in other ways, but art has helped me rescue some of my more redeeming qualities.


    • Thank you johndockus for the lovely comment! I love the way you put that “sweetness and light dancing off the surface of troubled waters” those are definitely the words of an artist. Your art is awesome, I can’t wait to continue to follow your work. Thanks for being so honest about your struggles too. I have found that strictly just thinking spiritually isn’t totally honest, because we are physical beings….here to make mistakes and learn. Can’t have the light without the dark, right? So much beautiful art, music and writing has come from the dark parts of our soul! Thanks again for the kind words and blessings to you on your journey! 🙂


  13. What a beautiful concept for a blog. Thanks for your kind follow, ilonca84. I’m afraid I’ve had to suspend doing mutual follows for the time being until I can better get my WordPress email alerts daily deluge under better control. Until then, I am always at if you feel like chatting or want to flag one of your posts for me.



  14. Thank you in return. You’re welcome to read my forthcoming book before its release, if you’re interested. My first, non-fiction. Test readers report that it is a gripping and moving read that competes with the best of fiction. .

    No worries if you’re too busy or would prefer not to.



  15. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my humble blog…I hope some of my posts can shine a light every now and again 😉
    Love and Light


  16. I was very pleased that you spent some time visiting my blog, and now that I am here, I can see why you have hundreds of followers. There is an abundance of generosity and positive energy in your writing, and it’s a wonderful combination for a writer to have. Your life has been challenging in some ways, but you have taken yourself to a whole new level of accomplishment with this blog.

    Thank you for your attention to my writing… I intend to follow here also!

    Warm regards….John H.


    • Thank you John for stopping by and commenting! Your kind words mean a lot to me. I am so grateful for the supportive community here on WordPress and coming across such inspiring blogs such as yours. I look forward to following your blog in the coming days. Blessings! 🙂


  17. There is genetic design in why individuals born to any culture become seekers by asking the essential questions. Meditation helps to quiet the chattering mind so that we can listen for answers. I had an aggressive, violent mind into my late 30s. After I found the Silence, I became a literary fountain after a career as a egotistical journalist. Some 21 published books later, I have great empathy for those on the path to discovering their passion and purpose. There is no satisfaction in a life lived without it.


    • So true, I started asking questions about consciousness as early as five years old, scaring some of the adults in my life with the questions that I would ask. Thanks for sharing your story, that is incredibly inspiring to hear about your 21 published books….so cool!! And yes, you are definitely right…passion and purpose is the main driver of this life. Thanks for stopping by and your wonderful comment!


  18. Excellent site. Take your passion and make it happen. Good inspiration for a gloomy cold sleety day. thanks for finding my site and for following. I hope you will be a frequent visitor!


    • Thank you Lou for stopping by and the kind words, we have so much to learn from each other. I am so grateful for this wonderful community of bloggers, it is wonderful support for the shifting times. 🙂 Take care and keep in touch!


  19. Hi there!
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I also write spirituality from the heart, with a side of humor. I hope to learn more from you, and maybe make you smile.


  20. Hello – Thanks very much for visiting and following my blog. It’s been a long time since I wanted to take up yoga and your journey reminds me that I must somehow find the time to accommodate it. I’ve been doing pilates for some years now, and yoga would seem a natural extension, Yes, my youthful self also wanted to be a writer and teacher (never a classroom teacher though). My adult self is finally catching up.


    • Thanks so much Shery, that is very kind of you 🙂 Pilates is incredibly admirable, I remember I did a couple pilates classes before and I was super sore for a whole week after, haha. There are so many yoga classes popping up every where, it is super easy to try out and even figure out what type/teacher you like, you can be picky! I never wanted to be a classroom teacher either, that’s funny. I am looking forward to following your writing!


  21. Beautiful! Your light will reach many. Thank you for you assistance in helping others to awaken. It is such wonderful experience… well sometimes 😉

    oh and thank you for following my blog too. Much appreciated!

    Enjoy INjoy Ilona


  22. Hi!
    Thank you for the follow! I’m glad you found me cuz I am very happy to look trough your blog! It makes me happy there are many of us here who live through spirituality and see far beyond this reality!
    Will keep my eye on your scribbles!



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